Friday, April 25, 2014

I have to write.

The end of summer is coming near. I'm so worried lately for the next few days ahead yet I'm so excited with all my plans. I feel like I'm finally doing something with my life and I'm actually having a direction. A path with God by my side holding my hand, showing me the way.

I'm expecting my blog to be more active than ever. I have to write. I just have to. Finally, I have the confidence to write what I feel and not give a d*mn about anything. I have to write just because. I never felt so free. I never thought I would find love in writing and it just feels so free in doing what you love all along. I found the passion, will, and motivation.

Random words but interconnected feels.

I have to write.


Monday, April 21, 2014

The letter speaks for itself.

Dear You,

Congratulations on earning a spot in my blog! It hurts my pride to write this letter succeeding a wonderful letter addressed to my supposed future beloved in my past blog post but since I could not contain the outbursts of my emotions, consider yourself privileged.

I'll be honest, I'll be harsh in the next few lines and a lot of people that'd come across this post might view me differently after reading this. Sorry but this is my form of justice. Writing addressed to you and practically all the people who offended me or hurt me is my way of returning the favor.

But since I have enough pride in me, I am going to make sure I'll write this letter as objectively as possible. As much as I want to write all the bad words, mockery and ignorant terms used today in 4 paragraphs or more, what fun would that be?

Instead, I'll choose to hurt you with this one simple truth and better read it carefully,
"Remember that what people say to you is a reflection of who they are."

With that said, can you tell me who you are?

A friend once told me, "Choose your battles."
I'm not the type to express my anger through social media or publicly for that matter. My friends are aware of this. Just saying in case you use that against me.

I have been through fights, verbally & physically and I can humbly tell you, I am not the one to store hate in me.

If you can only open my drafts, there are a lot of posts left unpublished. It is because I'd like to let my blog clean from any negativity. But here we are, here I am writing this letter and publishing it. Why you ask?

You can insult me, with everything I am. With how I look, how I talk, my status or even the way I live.
I won't simply care.

BUT. to question me with my faith is beyond acceptable.
People like you makes me question the goodness in everybody.

What's between my God and I is something you can never fathom.
My relationship with my God is something you can never question.

You, questioning my faith, makes me question yours.
But I won't do that. I won't stoop down to your level.

There is only one reason why I serve and that is because I LOVE GOD.

What is then your intention for yours?

I have kept mum for so long. There are so many distracting, pointless, and shallow issues within the church.
It's not something I can change and it's not something I can control. That's why I let it pass and I let it go.

It's disappointing to know there are people like you who carelessly make remarks and opinions about things you know nothing of. You're just simply disappointing. I shake my head whenever I think of people like you.

It amazes me even that you can make that kind of remarks to my very own mother.

As much as I want to forgive you, it would be too pretentious to say I already have.
But again, this is my own form of justice.
After the last character in this letter, I would let this go.

This is a sarcastic "thank you!", for making me aware and be cautious of people like you.



Monday, April 14, 2014

The truth about being single.

The idea to write this article actually came up when I was about to go take a shower. My bestfriend and I were texting and honestly, I was pretty convinced we're die-hard feminists. Not until I decided to write this article. 

First of all, I would like to say that whatever I would write would constitute my right to say whatever I want to say. Although I am not going to write anything offensive, I would like to clear out that everything I will say is based on my experiences and is purely my opinion.

Also, I would like to say, to women specifically, that no one's going to convince you and make you believe that it's okay to be single other than yourselves. 

So yea, you've already got a clue on what I'm about to say in this article. 
No, it's not about how sad life is because no one texts you good morning/goodnight.
It's not about how ugly you feel when every girl friend you have has a boyfriend.

To my girls, this is how awesome life is when you're enjoying all your free time and money. But of course, it's not as shallow as that. Remember that.

Because when you're single, it doesn't matter whether you're 2 times heavier or lighter. (maybe it a little bit does) but because of that, you learn how to help yourself. You're not the damsel in distress anymore that needs an affirmation from a guy to know you're sexy and you're beautiful.
You go to the gym. You jog. You do yoga. And it's not for a guy, it's for yourself. 
For me, I think that's real freedom right there. 

It's not getting chained to what society is telling you that you should have a boyfriend/girlfriend.(I apparently support bisexuals/lesbians, I see no harm :] )

You motivate yourself to be better, look better, and feel better. That is love. That's real love.
Undeniably, the cliche, " must love yourself before others" is true.
But I don't think that's a problem. Because when you try to appreciate how you look in the mirror by doing your everyday routine like combing your hair, cutting your fingernails, or putting on powder, that's actually loving yourself. You're loving yourself without even putting so much of an effort in doing it. It's as simple as 1, 2, 3 or A, B, C. (Okay, that was lame, sorry.)

When you love somebody, it comes naturally. And it applies with every kind of love. Including self-love or whatever you may call it. Lol.

Give yourself that freedom because you deserve it.
Single or not, no one's going to give meaning to your life but you.

Do something crazy or do something ordinary, whatever it is, you are entitled to that decision. Being single is your decision so don't regret it. It's not easy but it's not something to be saddened about either.

Coming from someone who's been single for quite some time, and coming from someone who always gets the reaction, "omg, you're still single?!" I say, it's not so bad, you just have to see the goodness in everything.

Maybe it hurts, seeing how happy a couple is, but maybe you can change your perception or your hurt into something like, "Mr. Right and I, we're going to be like that someday." Eventually, you'll see yourself smiling goofily at lovey-dovey couples. (okay, maybe not all the time but you get the point)

I once told a friend of mine God's message to me when I prayed for a special someone,  I believe this is what he is telling me, "I will give you someone who will love you the way I want you to be loved." And you know, God's love is unconditional, perfect and infinite. So if he's going to give me someone who would give love that is just a bit close to that perfection, I am willing to wait.

The truth about being single is learning how to wait.
I'm not going to judge you if you're going to jump from one guy to another. It's not fair to generalize people. I've learned from a certain someone that you cannot generalize women/men with a lone situation.
You may have been used, lied to, cheated to. Or you've always been someone's alternative, second choice, or last. Remember, you are God's no. 1. And there's nothing more comforting than that. :)

Even it means waiting three years or more, I am in no rush. 
I am in the process of loving myself and being okay with my body's flaws, my insecurities, etc.
I am not perfect. No one is. 

So if you're reading this, and if you're single, repeat after me:

"It's PERFECTLY fine that I am single."

So women, go ahead and raise your unwaxed armpits, you're single, the hell they care! Lol.
On second thought, no, that's gross.
(I know I hate my humor)